Moles astrology, what are
moles?, power of Moles, Types of Moles, How to predict destiny with moles?,
Best moles astrology, Know about your moles, Revealing Personality through
Generally there
are no person in this world who has no mole in body. The moles in our body
tells many things about our personality, nature, destiny etc. Different types
of things are known by studying the moles in body parts. It is a subject of
"saamudrik shaastra".
In this article
we will see how moles are used to study the personality of a person as per
astrology. Through Moles astrology we will be able to find many positive
and negative impacts of our own personality. But before reaching to any
conclusion it is good to consult any experienced astrologer. Because things may
be changed as per the positions of planets in horoscope.
What are moles?
NATURE is Divines
way of Always Cautioning, Warning Man of approaching calamities whether in
Personal Life or a Country of approaching disasters but we fail to see the
Also Nature Cares - Cautions you to Prepare Yourself for a Good Period ...
Long before anything untoward can happen. Nature also informs us of the characteristics of a person in many ways like - Graphic Details on the Face, Changing Colorations on the Face, Appearances of Moles, Dissapearances of Moles etc which we Fail to also on major events Nature Cautions thru Omens...Nature Always Cautions and Warns - Only We Fail to Read the Danger Signals or of course - Forsee Good Time to come and Act accordingly. Occult Science provides an answer...
Also Nature Cares - Cautions you to Prepare Yourself for a Good Period ...
Long before anything untoward can happen. Nature also informs us of the characteristics of a person in many ways like - Graphic Details on the Face, Changing Colorations on the Face, Appearances of Moles, Dissapearances of Moles etc which we Fail to also on major events Nature Cautions thru Omens...Nature Always Cautions and Warns - Only We Fail to Read the Danger Signals or of course - Forsee Good Time to come and Act accordingly. Occult Science provides an answer...
It is a small
round mark present in different part of body. In astrology it is used to study
about the human nature and destiny.
While studying
the moles it is seen that what is the color of mole, where it is located in
body, what is the size of it etc.
Types of Moles:
*The moles
reveal our nature and destiny; they have a story to tell about our
previous birth and present birth. They also reveal important aspects of our
lives. The Science of Moles deserves propagation for the benefit of humanity.
One can avert a misfortune by being warned by the effectos of moles on one's
In astrology, each Zodiac sign dominates a particular part of the body as summarised below:
1. Aries : Head
In astrology, each Zodiac sign dominates a particular part of the body as summarised below:
1. Aries : Head
2. Taurus :
Face, Neck, Throat, Right Eye and Nose.
3. Gemini : Arms, Shoulders, Right Ear, Upper Ribs and Right Hand
4. Cancer : Chest, Breast, Stomach Elbow Jointsm and lungs.
5. Leo : Heart , Liver, Belly and Back
6. Virgo : Kidney, Abdomen and Anus.
7. Libra : Private parts Uterus and Lumbar Region.
8. Scorpio : Testicles, Groins and Scrotum.
9. Sagittarious : Thighs, Legs and Hips.
10. Capricorn : Knees, Nails and Knee Cap.
11. Aquarius : Legs, Ankle, Left Ear and Teeth.
12. Pisces : Feet, Left Eye and Toes.
The moles on defferent body parts indicates the Zodiac sign by which the person is being dominated. Moles are found by birth. But it is observed the moles appear also durintg one's life time. They disappear, change their size or colour which indicate change of fortune. A raised mole is called a 'Wart', it can be of any colour and is a good sign subject to its placemnent.
3. Gemini : Arms, Shoulders, Right Ear, Upper Ribs and Right Hand
4. Cancer : Chest, Breast, Stomach Elbow Jointsm and lungs.
5. Leo : Heart , Liver, Belly and Back
6. Virgo : Kidney, Abdomen and Anus.
7. Libra : Private parts Uterus and Lumbar Region.
8. Scorpio : Testicles, Groins and Scrotum.
9. Sagittarious : Thighs, Legs and Hips.
10. Capricorn : Knees, Nails and Knee Cap.
11. Aquarius : Legs, Ankle, Left Ear and Teeth.
12. Pisces : Feet, Left Eye and Toes.
The moles on defferent body parts indicates the Zodiac sign by which the person is being dominated. Moles are found by birth. But it is observed the moles appear also durintg one's life time. They disappear, change their size or colour which indicate change of fortune. A raised mole is called a 'Wart', it can be of any colour and is a good sign subject to its placemnent.
The efficts of moles hanve many a times been verified and found correct.
The moles are also related to palmistry. Sometimes moles are hereditary
The significance of moles differs between males and females. Generally, the moles are considered to give auspicious results in males if they are found on the right side and for females on the left side.
In case of moles, the following points are of interest to note:
1. If the number of moles on the right side of the boldy are more than on the left side they are auspicious and denote more of male children whereas daughters will be more, if more moles are found on the lefts of the body.
2. Less than twelve moles on the body are benefic.
3. Moles on the right side of the boldy are auspicious.
If and individual has moles close together, he will have two serious love affairs or may be married twice.
When two moles exactly balance each other, such as moles on both knees, both cheeks etc.they indicate a person of dual nature.In almost every case, the person will be under the influenced of the dual signs of Pisces an Gemini, etc
It may be true that all spots on the body need not be moles and may not be necessary to expect that every to expect that every mole should signify a particular fact or character.
Shape and Size of Moles
There are ten types of moles based on their shape as shown below:
1. Spots
2. Long and narrow
3. Long and big
4. Oblique
5. Big and irregular
6. Square
7. Triangular
8. Hairy
(i) Thin long hair
(ii) Thick short hair
9. Wart
10. Round and big
The significance and influence of moles of different sizes and shape vary in their intensity or power.It has to be studeid with reference to their colours also, placement on body part to find the final results of moles. So the moles are judged as per their location, size , shape and colour.
1. Small spots sometimes give negligible results.
2. Long and narrow and long and big moles are auspicious.
3. Oblique moles give moderate results.
4. Big and irregular moles are inauspicious.
5. Square moles averts evils at the last minute.
6. Triangular moles have mixed results.
7. Thin, long, hairy moles foretell of wealth and fame.Thick, short, hairy
moles are an indication of poverty, unhappiness.
8. Wart increases the strength and effects of moles.
9. Round and big moles enhance the influence fo good or bad.
Colour of Moles
There are six types of moles based on their colours.
1. Honey (brown)
2. Emerald green
3. Green
4. Red
5. Light brown
6. Black
Black moles are very common.
Honey or brown moles are very auspicious.
Emerald green coloured moles are auspicious.
Red-coloured moles are very auspicious.
Light brown moles are auspicious but of negligible extent.
Black moles are inauspicious.
Now let's understand some of the impacts of moles in human
1. Astrology for Mole on Lips:
If the mole is
present on the upper lip it means that the person is good with every one. It
also shows the diversion of a person mind towards the luxurious life.
If the mole is
present on the lower lip, it shows the interest in food and it also makes a
person artist. This type of persons are made for this materialistic
If the mole is
present in the inner lower lip then it shows that the person will loose his
life in gambling and alcohol.
The mole in the
upper inner side of lip shows that the person has interest in occult sciences
like tantra, mantra etc.
2. Astrology for Mole on Chest:
If a person has
mole on right chest then he or she will worry for money mostly But right side
mole gives good social respect.
Right side
mole also shows the female progeny.
Left side mole
represent the good mind power, sharp mind power, clever. This type of persons
knows how to maintain any relation ship.
Mole in middle
of chest shows great financial problem.
3. Astrology For Mole on Cheek:
Right cheek mole
shows the quality of responsibility, loving nature, interest in worldly things,
feelings for relatives etc.
Left side mole
on cheek shows that the introvert nature, arrogant behavior, struggle
in life but are lucky from progeny side.
4. Astrology for Mole on Stomach:
A mole nearby
navel shows the mind which is very much divert towards the luxurious and are
very frank.
Right side mole
on stomach shows weaknesses, while as left side mole on stomach shows the
nature of jealousy but is very much money loving.
5. Astrology for Mole on Back:
Mole on back
side shows the name, fame, money, leading nature, good health, courage, clever
6. Astrology for Mole on Neck:
If the mole is
present in back side of neck it shows the negative mind, short tempered,
aggressive etc.
A Mole on front
side of neck shows sweet voice, artistic nature, good marriage life.
7. Astrology for Mole on Fore Head:
Due to mole in
right forehead the person get name, fame, money. It also makes a person helping
nature, devotee of god.
The left side
mole shows selfishness,
8. Astrology for Mole on Head:
A mole on right
head makes a person good in politics. This type of person knows how to get good
status, finance and how to get success in life.
Left side mole
on head shows the poorness and struggle in life. This type of person waste
their life in wandering here and there. It makes a person successful in
spiritual field.
9. Astrology for Mole on Tongue:
Health problem
will arise if the black mole is present in the middle of the tongue.
But the mole on
the tip of tongue shows the expert in talking, having good fate, good family.
it shows a lucky person.
10. Astrology for mole on Feet:
The person will
get good life partner, good family life, grace of good if the mole is on right
The person will
faces financial problem and struggle in life if the mole is present in left
feet, Moles on the bottom of the feet represent journeys, enemies and moody nature.
11. Eye brow mole astrology:
Mole on left eye
brow leads to struggle in life, misfortune etc. where as mole on the right eye
brow makes a person successful from the point of view of money, wife, luck
Mole on the
middle of eyebrow makes a person leader. This type of person get name, fame,
money easily.
12. Eye lid mole astrology:
Right eyelid
mole makes a person pompous and because of this nature he suffers a lot. While
a mole on left eye lid shows a general life.
Person is lucky
and wealthy if the mole is present in the inner side of top eyelids.
While as mole on inner-side if lower eyelid represent misfortune and struggle.
13. Eyes mole astrology:
Right eye mole
makes a person lucky in terms of money while mole in left eye shows a person
having pride and it also shows relationships with others.
14. Astrology for mole on palm:
As per samudrik
shastra mole on palm shows struggle and obstacles in life. Where ever it is
forming create hurdles in that area.
15. Nose mole astrology:
A mole on right
side of nose represents luck while left side mole represent struggle. It also
lead to illegal relationships.
A mole on tip of
nose represent good mind and power to win the arguments.
A mole on the
bridge between nostrils represent the problems in career, financial
problems, dis satisfactory life.
16. Astrology for mole on ribs:
Fear full life
if the mole is present on right ribs.
Mole on left rib
shows a general life.
17. Thighs Mole Astrology:
Mole on right
thigh makes a person able to settle in abroad. It also makes a person lucky in
terms of females support.
Mole on left
thigh makes a person successful artist but it also shows the lazy nature.
18. Moles on Ears:
Moles on ears
shows good earning power and a nature to spend any where easily.
Mole on back
side of ear shows that the person follows the tradition of family.
19. Moles on Shoulder:
Right shoulder
mole shows a person having good courage, zeal and passion towards the target.
While the mole on left shoulder represent a person involves in fighting with
every one.
Moles are marks
which can be found on different parts of the body. In Indian and Chinese
Astrology, moles are interpreted as representing the destiny of the person. The
influence of the planets on the person would start at the time of fetus
formation in the mother’s womb. Some planets influence the fetus more and some
less. These influences result into mole formation when focused at the surface
of the body. In the horoscope, the Ascendant and its lord, 6th house lord,
Moon, Mars, Saturn, Uranus, Rahu and Kethu will form moles on the human body.
For example, if the Ascendant lord Saturn is posited in Aries, will produce a
black mole (Saturn for black) on the head part (Aries for head) of the native.
If the sign and
planet influencing the fetus are masculine then the mole will be formed at the
right side of the body. If the sign and planet are feminine then the mole will
be formed at the left side of the body. For example, a combination of Mars
(Male planet) and Venus (Female planet) in Scorpio (female sign representing
genitals) forms a mole on the genitals. If Mars is strong, then the mole will
be at the right side on the genitals. If Venus is strong, then the mole will be
formed at left side. The colors of the moles can be decided by the colors of
the planets. For example, Saturn and Rahu give black moles and Mars gives red
Moles should be
interpreted according to their color, shape and size, and the place where they
are located on the body. Moles in red color or honey color or green color will
generally bring good fortune. Moles in black color give bad results. Small
moles which are not so visible, will not give any results. Only big moles will
produce results. Long moles give good results. Moles which are in square shape
will give bad results in the starting, but they produce good results by the
end. Moles in the form of a triangle will produce mixed results, sometimes good
and sometimes bad. Moles in zigzag shapes will produce bad results. Now, let us
discuss the effects of moles according to their placement on human body.
The following
points are given for gents. But they are equally applicable to ladies also.
The moles on the
top (crown) of the head are visible only if the head is shaven. If a mole is
found on the right side of the head, the person will excel in politics. If the
mole is in red or green color, then he will become minister. He can also be a
president leading a society or business organization. He will have social
status and success in every walk of life.
If the mole is
at the left side of the head, then the native will not have enough money.
Generally, he will not marry and spends his life in roaming. He will lead a
spiritual life and gives
discourses. There would be an interest in literature also. Moles at the back
side of the head represent weakness of ladies. Such a person will be attached
to his wife. He earns more money but he will not have a good name in the
If the forehead
is wide and there is a mole on the right side of the forehead, then it denotes
wealth. The native becomes wealthy and receives good name and fame in the
society. He will help others and will have devotion to God. If the mole on the
forehead is located at left side and the forehead is narrow, then the person
will be selfish and does not help any one. Others will not give him any
If the mole is
on the right side temple, it denotes early marriage and beautiful wife. There
is a possibility of sudden and unexpected arrival of money. If the mole is at
the left temple, it also denotes sudden marriage and sudden wealth. There will
be losses in the business. People do not like them for any reason.
If there is a
mole in the middle of the eyebrows, it denotes leadership qualities, wealth,
name and fame. Such a native likes luxuries and women. If the mole is found on
the right eyebrow, there will be early marriage with a good lady. The native
becomes lucky after marriage. It is better if he invests in his wife’s name. If
the mole is on the left eyebrow, the person will be unlucky. He cannot utilize
the money properly and faces troubles in the job or business.
A mole on the
right eyelid brings wealth. The native becomes rich slowly. He will have inner
pride and feels that he is great. Expenditure will be more. He will spend money
for God either by constructing temples or for performing pujas. A mole on the
left eyelid represents a general life. The person earns meager amount of money.
He is prone to jealousy from others.
A mole in the
inner part of top eyelids represents a lucky and wealthy person. On the other
hand, mole in the inner part of lower eyelids represents domestic troubles and
lack of luck.
A mole in the
right eye gives easy – money. Even if the person doesn’t work, he will become
rich suddenly out of sheer luck. A mole in the left eye represents an arrogant
person who would be after ladies. He will have a secret and illegal connection
with ladies.
Moles at the eye
socket (corner towards the ear) represent a generous and peaceful person. But
there is possibility of sudden death. Moles at the eye socket (corner towards
the nose bridge) represent death of one the children and grief for the native.
A mole anywhere
on the ear represents good earnings and luxurious life. Expenditure will be
uncontrollable. There may be danger of drowning. A mole at the backside of the
ear represents a person who follows customs. He will get his wife from a higher
A mole on the
tip of the nose represents quick thinking and quick temper. Such a person will
have high self-respect and generally win on others.
A mole at right
side of the nose represents more money with fewer efforts. A mole at the left
side of the nose gives bad results. The native involves into prostitution.
A mole on the
bridge between nostrils represents obstacles in getting the job and loss of
money. A mole below the nose represents good sexual drive. The native possesses
a large family and many children.
A mole which is
located exactly in the middle of the chin represents a lofty person who
receives laurels from others.
Moles on the
right side of the chin represent logical thinking and diplomatic nature. They
can convince others with their speech. Their earnings will be very good and
they get name and fame easily. Moles on the left side of the chin represent a
person who talks straightforward and hence people do not like him. He becomes
quarrelsome. Expenditure will be #uncontrollable.
A mole on the
upper lip represents a person who does good to everyone. There will be weakness
of ladies and luxurious items. A mole on the lower lip represents a person who
loves good food. He will have interest in acting and theatre arts.
A mole on the
inner side of the upper lip represents a person skilled in mantras and mystic
forces. A mole
on the inner side of the lower lip represents a person who becomes a drunkard
and losses money on speculation.
Moles on the
right cheek represent a sensitive person who gives a lot of respect to his
parents. He loves his wife and relatives. He enjoys wealth and health and lives
long. Moles on the left cheek represent a person who is introvert and an
arrogant person. He would face troubles in the life. But he will be happy in
the old age because of his children.
A mole on the
middle of the tongue indicates obstacles in the education. The native may not
be able to talk fluently and there will be health problems.
A mole on the
tip (outer edge) of the tongue represents a person who can convince others with
his speech. He is intelligent and diplomatic. He loves good food and his
children will have good future.
A mole on the
back side of the neck represents angry and aggressive person. Generally such a
person involves into anti-social activities. A mole on the front side of the
neck represents an artistic person with sweet voice. His life will settle well
after his marriage.
Moles on right
shoulder represent brave and courageous person who will not sleep until
finishing any project. Moles on the left shoulder represent a person who
involves into quarrels with others.
A mole on the
right side of the chest indicates more female progeny. Financial problems
trouble him. But he receives due respect from others. A mole on the left side
of the chest represents a person who is clever and who does not maintain good
relation with his relations and friends. Financial problems are common for him.
A mole exactly in the middle of the chest represents heavy financial problems.
Such person involves into heavy debts. But he will have devotion to God.
A mole in the
right armpit represents desire for wealth. A mole in the left armpit represents
desire for
A mole on the
right ribs represents a person with a lot of inner fear. He lies easily. A mole
on the left ribs represents a person whose earning will be average.
A mole on the
right side of the stomach indicates good earnings and weakness of ladies. A
mole on the left side of the stomach represents a jealous person who likes to
earn easy money. He will possess some agriculture lands. A mole nearer to navel
cavity represents luxurious life. Such a person is loud-mouthed.
A mole on the
right hand indicates a person who completes any task by tenacity and
intelligent. A mole on the left hand indicates a person who wants to become
rich but stays at average level.
A mole on the
left or right elbow represents wealth and success. The native likes fine arts.
He helps others and gets help from others. A mole on the wrist represents
childhood in poverty. He becomes a writer or painter. He will be devotional.
His income increases when he becomes aged.
Moles on any
part of the inner palm are not good. They represent various obstacles.
Moles on any
part of the fingers are not good. They represent various obstacles.
A mole any where
nearer to the backbone represents name and fame. Such a person becomes a leader
or minister.
A mole on the
right side of the back represents good health and courage. A mole on the left
side of the back represents completing the tasks by diplomacy.
Moles on the
right buttock represent wisdom and creativity. The person will become an
artist. Moles on the left buttock represent poverty. The person leads a
deprived life.
Moles anywhere
on the genitals represent excessive desire for sex. Such persons generally will
have a paramour.
Moles on the
right thigh represent valor. The person will have an opportunity to go abroad.
He will be profited from a lady, either from his wife or from other woman.
Moles on the left thigh make the person skilled in some art. He becomes lazy
and will have fewer friends.
A mole on the
right calf represents success in all ventures. There will be benefits from
ladies. The native may involve into politics. A mole on the left calf represents
journeys due to job or business. There will be many friends.
A mole on the
right ankle represents foresightedness. The native will be endowed with gift of
gab. The person will have a lot of belief in God. A mole on the left ankle
represents devotion towards God. He talks less. At some point of life, the
person faces legal problems.
A mole on the
right foot represents a good spouse and family life. He will have devotion to
God. A mole on the left foot represents creates problems with spouse. The
person faces financial problems and wrath of others. Moles on the bottom of the
feet represent journeys, enemies and licentious nature. The person will be a
lover of fine arts.
1. Throat - An artistic temperament, successful.
2. Chest - Lazy, unsteady, quarrelsome, financially unsound.
3. Breast (right) - Indolent, intemperate.
4. Breast (left)-Active, energetic.
5. Nipple - Fickle and unfaithful.
6. Ribs (right) - Insensitive, cowardly.
7. Ribs (left) - Lazy, humorous.
8. Navel - Great good fortune.
9. Abdomen - Voracious, intemperate and self-indulgent. Should marry someone placid.
10. Hips - Resourceful, valiant and over-amorous.
11. Loins - Mendacious.
12. Groin (right) - Ill health.
13. Groin (left) - Frail.
14. Thigh (right) - Wealth and a happy marriage.
15. Thigh (left) - A warm temperament.
16. Knee (right) - Friendly disposition and happy marriage.
17. Knee (left) - Rash, extravagant, ill-tempered but good business sense.
18. Leg (right) - Energetic and preserving.
19. Leg (left) - Lazy.
20. Ankle - A sharing nature, a sense of humor.
21. Heel - Mentally and physically active. Should beware of making enemies.
22. Foot (right) - Loves traveling.
23. Foot (left) - Thoughtful and gloomy; prefers a sedentary life.
24. Instep - Athletic, quarrelsome.
25. Neck - Many ups and downs. Should be frugal.
26. Shoulder blades - Unhappiness.
27. Shoulder (left) - Easily satisfied.
28. Shoulder (right) - Prudent discreet, faithful and restless.
29. Armpit (left) - Good fortune won by hard work.
30. Armpit (right) - Struggles against heavy odds.
31. Arm (right) - Adversity in early life, contentment in old age.
32. Arm (left) - Courteous, industrious.
33. Elbow - Great talent, great desire to travel.
34. Wrist or hand (right) - Frugal, successful in business.
35. Wrist or hand (left) - Ingenious, artistic.
36. Finger - Dishonest, prone to exaggerate, unable to face reality.
37. Back - Frank with an inquiring mind. Should be cautious.
38. Buttocks - Total lack of ambition.
Moles on the middle of the forehead reveal a bad-tempered disposition and potential cruel nature. Such people should guard against accidents in their middle age.
Mole on the left temple indicates a tendency to be spendthrift and horsetrong. The person should try to live a quite life.
Mole on the right temple indicates exceptional ability. The person should guard against illness in later life.
Mole on or near the eyebrows belongs to preserving person who is happy in marriage. This person bewares of lightening and food poisoning.
Mole on or near the corner of the eye. An honest and forthright person who needs to be loved.
Mole on inside and outside of the ear. The person has wealth and fame but tends to be reckless.
Mole on the left cheek. A serious, studious and struggling person.
Moles on the right cheek promise a successful life after marriage.
One mole on each cheek indicates success after hard struggle.
Mole on the upper side of the nose denotes lust and extravagance.
Moles on the left side of the nose (middle) indicate a changeable nature. An untrustworthy but lucky person who should be bewares of falls.
Moles on the right side of the nose (middle) shows a great traveling urge, an outdoor occupation involve plenty of movement.
Mole on the tip of the nose indicates a sincere friend though very outspoken.
A mole on the nostrils is a sign of a rover.
Mole on the lips signifies greed but benevolence.
Mole on the lower lips shows a quiet and studious nature. Good fortune is indicated in later life.
Moles on the chin show conscientious, common sense and artistic ability. These people make the best of any opportunities and improve a lot with age.
Mole on the left lower jaw indicates a critical nature. Beware of ill health.
Mole on the right lower jaw shows danger. You should beware of fire and water in your youth.
1. Throat - An artistic temperament, successful.
2. Chest - Lazy, unsteady, quarrelsome, financially unsound.
3. Breast (right) - Indolent, intemperate.
4. Breast (left)-Active, energetic.
5. Nipple - Fickle and unfaithful.
6. Ribs (right) - Insensitive, cowardly.
7. Ribs (left) - Lazy, humorous.
8. Navel - Great good fortune.
9. Abdomen - Voracious, intemperate and self-indulgent. Should marry someone placid.
10. Hips - Resourceful, valiant and over-amorous.
11. Loins - Mendacious.
12. Groin (right) - Ill health.
13. Groin (left) - Frail.
14. Thigh (right) - Wealth and a happy marriage.
15. Thigh (left) - A warm temperament.
16. Knee (right) - Friendly disposition and happy marriage.
17. Knee (left) - Rash, extravagant, ill-tempered but good business sense.
18. Leg (right) - Energetic and preserving.
19. Leg (left) - Lazy.
20. Ankle - A sharing nature, a sense of humor.
21. Heel - Mentally and physically active. Should beware of making enemies.
22. Foot (right) - Loves traveling.
23. Foot (left) - Thoughtful and gloomy; prefers a sedentary life.
24. Instep - Athletic, quarrelsome.
25. Neck - Many ups and downs. Should be frugal.
26. Shoulder blades - Unhappiness.
27. Shoulder (left) - Easily satisfied.
28. Shoulder (right) - Prudent discreet, faithful and restless.
29. Armpit (left) - Good fortune won by hard work.
30. Armpit (right) - Struggles against heavy odds.
31. Arm (right) - Adversity in early life, contentment in old age.
32. Arm (left) - Courteous, industrious.
33. Elbow - Great talent, great desire to travel.
34. Wrist or hand (right) - Frugal, successful in business.
35. Wrist or hand (left) - Ingenious, artistic.
36. Finger - Dishonest, prone to exaggerate, unable to face reality.
37. Back - Frank with an inquiring mind. Should be cautious.
38. Buttocks - Total lack of ambition.
Moles on the middle of the forehead reveal a bad-tempered disposition and potential cruel nature. Such people should guard against accidents in their middle age.
Mole on the left temple indicates a tendency to be spendthrift and horsetrong. The person should try to live a quite life.
Mole on the right temple indicates exceptional ability. The person should guard against illness in later life.
Mole on or near the eyebrows belongs to preserving person who is happy in marriage. This person bewares of lightening and food poisoning.
Mole on or near the corner of the eye. An honest and forthright person who needs to be loved.
Mole on inside and outside of the ear. The person has wealth and fame but tends to be reckless.
Mole on the left cheek. A serious, studious and struggling person.
Moles on the right cheek promise a successful life after marriage.
One mole on each cheek indicates success after hard struggle.
Mole on the upper side of the nose denotes lust and extravagance.
Moles on the left side of the nose (middle) indicate a changeable nature. An untrustworthy but lucky person who should be bewares of falls.
Moles on the right side of the nose (middle) shows a great traveling urge, an outdoor occupation involve plenty of movement.
Mole on the tip of the nose indicates a sincere friend though very outspoken.
A mole on the nostrils is a sign of a rover.
Mole on the lips signifies greed but benevolence.
Mole on the lower lips shows a quiet and studious nature. Good fortune is indicated in later life.
Moles on the chin show conscientious, common sense and artistic ability. These people make the best of any opportunities and improve a lot with age.
Mole on the left lower jaw indicates a critical nature. Beware of ill health.
Mole on the right lower jaw shows danger. You should beware of fire and water in your youth.
Dr. Shanker Adawal
Moles are found
on different parts of our body and a reference of moles is found in Books like
Sankeeta Nidhi, Lal Kitab and others. These significant marks on the body are
very remarkable guides either to the good or bad fortunes of any one but the
reader is baffled further as to the results of such moles as it is not
available in the test books. The study of moles and their meaning is based upon
the ancient art of Astrology and is called “Moleosophy”. In Astrology Zodiac
signs denote the parts of the body over which they dominate are summarized as
Face, neck, throat, right eye and nose
Arms, shoulders, right ear, upper ribs and right
Chest, stomach, elbow, joints and lungs
Heart, liver, belly and back
Kidney, abdomen, anus
Libra organs
Private parts, uterus, and lumber
Testicles, groins and scrotum
Thighs, legs, and hips
Knees, nails, and patellae
Legs, ankle, left ear and teeth
Feet, left eye, and toes
The moles on the
different parts of the body indicate the zodiacal sigh by which the person is
being dominated. These are found since birth. But it is observed that moles
appear also during the life time. They change their size and colour which
indicate change of fortune. Darker colour indicates great disappointments where
as light colour denotes good fortune. A mole when raised, like a wart, is a
good sign, whatever is its colour.
The effects have
many a times been verified and found correct. It is said that moles on left
side of man and on right side of women are auspicious. It may be noted here
that the moles may be black or red in colour, it matters a little.
In case of moles
following points are mentioned for the verification of readers to know the effects
of the moles.
(a) Moles on
right side are suspicious then on the left side.
(b) Moles on
body less then twelve in number are benefice.
(c) It is
generally believed that moles on right side of a man and on left side of a
woman be considered. But in actual practice no differences have been found.
They behave equally.
(d) If Moles on
right side of body are more than left side, then number of male children will
be more. If on the right side more moles are found then daughters will be more.
1. A mole on the
breast shows affection loyalty, strength, and courage which will gain honour.
Such lady would be loving disposition, adulterous and sexy.
2. A mole on the
eyebrows the man incontinent and given to women; but if a woman it shows she
will have a good husband. It denotes that mole on eyebrows, both or either,
indicate and happy and early marriage.
3. A mole on the
forehead of a man or woman denotes they shall grow rich being beloved of their
friends and neighbours.
4. A mole on the
left cheek foretells fruitfulness in either sex. It is a sign of worries and
5. A mole
on the left shoulder shows sorrow and labour.
6. A mole on the
left side of a man denotes danger and strangling; in a woman sorrow and great
pain in child birth.
7. A mole on the
midst of the forehead shows wisdom and conduct in the management of the
affairs. Such people are wealthy and some times attain evil temper.
8. A mole on the
navel shows many children to a woman; and in man that he shall be vigorous.
9. A mole on the
neck shows a man to be prudent in his actions; but a woman of a weak judgement
apt to believe the worst of her husband.
10. A mole on
the nose shows that the party loves pleasure more than anything else. He is
lucky and loves journey.
11. A mole on
the right cheek shows the party too much beloved and will come unto great
fortune. It is also a sigh of success, health, wealth and happiness.
Moles on arms indicate that the person is polite, diligent and will lead a happy married life.If mole is near the elbow, the man will need to struggle in life, and might also become a young widower. If the woman has the same characteristics, however, her problems relate to her occupation.
Moles on arms indicate that the person is polite, diligent and will lead a happy married life.If mole is near the elbow, the man will need to struggle in life, and might also become a young widower. If the woman has the same characteristics, however, her problems relate to her occupation.
Forearm near
This indicates more travels in life.
This indicates more travels in life.
A mole under the left arm is indicative of great struggle early in life, which is, however, well rewarded. Wealth makes later years equally pleasurable. A mole under the right arm shows that one needs to be alert and cautious in matters of security. A mole in the right armpit represents desire for wealth. A mole in the left armpit represents desire for ladies.
A mole under the left arm is indicative of great struggle early in life, which is, however, well rewarded. Wealth makes later years equally pleasurable. A mole under the right arm shows that one needs to be alert and cautious in matters of security. A mole in the right armpit represents desire for wealth. A mole in the left armpit represents desire for ladies.
People like this are unreliable, and with them one must ensure that all facts are available before one enters any sort of negotiation for any enterprise.
People like this are unreliable, and with them one must ensure that all facts are available before one enters any sort of negotiation for any enterprise.
A mole any where nearer to the backbone represents name and fame. Such a person becomes a leader or minister.
A mole on the right side of the back represents good health and courage. A mole on the left side of the back represents completing the tasks by diplomacy.
A mole any where nearer to the backbone represents name and fame. Such a person becomes a leader or minister.
A mole on the right side of the back represents good health and courage. A mole on the left side of the back represents completing the tasks by diplomacy.
(mole on breast) A mole on the right breast is indicative of laziness, which may affect family life. You need to be assertive about your needs to be able to enjoy the love and comfort of the children. A mole on the left breast belongs to active and energetic people, who generally get what they want in life.
(mole on breast) A mole on the right breast is indicative of laziness, which may affect family life. You need to be assertive about your needs to be able to enjoy the love and comfort of the children. A mole on the left breast belongs to active and energetic people, who generally get what they want in life.
People who have a mole on buttocks are un-ambitious, and will be reconciled to any mode of living.Moles on the right buttock represent wisdom and creativity. The person will become an artist. Moles on the left buttock represent poverty. The person leads a deprived life.
People who have a mole on buttocks are un-ambitious, and will be reconciled to any mode of living.Moles on the right buttock represent wisdom and creativity. The person will become an artist. Moles on the left buttock represent poverty. The person leads a deprived life.
A mole on cheek (either cheek) indicates a serious and studious person who has no interest in material pleasures. Moles on the right cheek represent a sensitive person who gives a lot of respect to his parents. He loves his wife and relatives. He enjoys wealth and health and lives long. Moles on the left cheek represent a person who is introvert and an arrogant person. He would face troubles in the life. But he will be happy in the old age because of his children.
A mole on cheek (either cheek) indicates a serious and studious person who has no interest in material pleasures. Moles on the right cheek represent a sensitive person who gives a lot of respect to his parents. He loves his wife and relatives. He enjoys wealth and health and lives long. Moles on the left cheek represent a person who is introvert and an arrogant person. He would face troubles in the life. But he will be happy in the old age because of his children.
(mole on chin) A mole on either side of the chin is indicative of people who are affectionate and caring. These people adapt easily to any situation. They love travelling and respect the law of the land. They are also dedicated and conscientious workers and willingly accept responsibilities.A mole which is located exactly in the middle of the chin represents a lofty person who receives laurels from others. Moles on the right side of the chin represent logical thinking and diplomatic nature. They can convince others with their speech. Their earnings will be very good and they get name and fame easily. Moles on the left side of the chin represent a person who talks straight forward and hence people do not like him. He becomes quarrelsome. Expenditure will be uncontrollable.
(mole on chin) A mole on either side of the chin is indicative of people who are affectionate and caring. These people adapt easily to any situation. They love travelling and respect the law of the land. They are also dedicated and conscientious workers and willingly accept responsibilities.A mole which is located exactly in the middle of the chin represents a lofty person who receives laurels from others. Moles on the right side of the chin represent logical thinking and diplomatic nature. They can convince others with their speech. Their earnings will be very good and they get name and fame easily. Moles on the left side of the chin represent a person who talks straight forward and hence people do not like him. He becomes quarrelsome. Expenditure will be uncontrollable.
People who are born with a mole on ear are generally considered lucky.A mole any where on the ear represents good earnings and luxurious life. Expenditure will be uncontrollable. There may be danger of drowning. A mole at the backside of the ear represents a person who follows customs. He will get his wife from a higher family.
People who are born with a mole on ear are generally considered lucky.A mole any where on the ear represents good earnings and luxurious life. Expenditure will be uncontrollable. There may be danger of drowning. A mole at the backside of the ear represents a person who follows customs. He will get his wife from a higher family.
A mole on the tip of the nose represents quick thinking and quick temper. Such a person will have high self-respect and generally win on others. A mole at right side of the nose represents more money with fewer efforts. A mole at the left side of the nose gives bad results. The native involves into prostitution. A mole on the bridge between nostrils represents obstacles in getting the job and loss of money. A mole below the nose represents good sexual drive. The native possesses a large family and many children.
A mole on the tip of the nose represents quick thinking and quick temper. Such a person will have high self-respect and generally win on others. A mole at right side of the nose represents more money with fewer efforts. A mole at the left side of the nose gives bad results. The native involves into prostitution. A mole on the bridge between nostrils represents obstacles in getting the job and loss of money. A mole below the nose represents good sexual drive. The native possesses a large family and many children.
People who have moles on elbow love to travel.
They are adventurous and spirited. You will struggle in life to achieve your goals and some will become widow at an early stage of their life.
People who have moles on elbow love to travel.
They are adventurous and spirited. You will struggle in life to achieve your goals and some will become widow at an early stage of their life.
Eye lids:
A mole on the right eyelid brings wealth. The native becomes rich slowly. He will have inner pride and feels that he is great. Expenditure will be more. He will spend money for God either by constructing temples or for performing pujas. A mole on the left eyelid represents a general life. The person earns meager amount of money. He is prone to jealousy from others.
A mole in the inner part of top eyelids represents a lucky and wealthy person. On the other hand, mole in the inner part of lower eyelids represents domestic troubles and lack of luck.
A mole on the right eyelid brings wealth. The native becomes rich slowly. He will have inner pride and feels that he is great. Expenditure will be more. He will spend money for God either by constructing temples or for performing pujas. A mole on the left eyelid represents a general life. The person earns meager amount of money. He is prone to jealousy from others.
A mole in the inner part of top eyelids represents a lucky and wealthy person. On the other hand, mole in the inner part of lower eyelids represents domestic troubles and lack of luck.
If a mole is located on the right eyebrow, it signifies that these people will have a highly active life and will be successful in all ventures.If there is a mole in the middle of the eyebrows, it denotes leadership qualities, wealth, name and fame. Such a native likes luxuries and women. If the mole is found on the right eyebrow, there will be early marriage with a good lady. The native becomes lucky after marriage. It is better if he invests in his wife’s name. If the mole is on the left eyebrow, the person will be unlucky. He cannot utilize the money properly and faces troubles in the job or business.
If a mole is located on the right eyebrow, it signifies that these people will have a highly active life and will be successful in all ventures.If there is a mole in the middle of the eyebrows, it denotes leadership qualities, wealth, name and fame. Such a native likes luxuries and women. If the mole is found on the right eyebrow, there will be early marriage with a good lady. The native becomes lucky after marriage. It is better if he invests in his wife’s name. If the mole is on the left eyebrow, the person will be unlucky. He cannot utilize the money properly and faces troubles in the job or business.
People who have a mole on finger turn out to be dishonest and tend to grossly exaggerate.If you have a mole in the middle phalange of your middle finger, you will become bankrupt at some point in your life.
People who have a mole on finger turn out to be dishonest and tend to grossly exaggerate.If you have a mole in the middle phalange of your middle finger, you will become bankrupt at some point in your life.
People with a mole on foot are easy going and laid back. They need to exercise to stay healthy.
A mole on the right foot represents a good spouse and family life. He will have devotion to God. A mole on the left foot represents creates problems with spouse. The person faces financial problems and wrath of others. Moles on the bottom of the feet represent journeys, enemies and licentious nature.
People with a mole on foot are easy going and laid back. They need to exercise to stay healthy.
A mole on the right foot represents a good spouse and family life. He will have devotion to God. A mole on the left foot represents creates problems with spouse. The person faces financial problems and wrath of others. Moles on the bottom of the feet represent journeys, enemies and licentious nature.
A mole on the right calf represents success in all ventures. There will be benefits from ladies. The native may involve into politics. A mole on the left calf represents journeys due to job or business. There will be many friends.
A mole on the right calf represents success in all ventures. There will be benefits from ladies. The native may involve into politics. A mole on the left calf represents journeys due to job or business. There will be many friends.
A mole on the right ankle represents foresightedness. The native will be endowed with gift of gab. The person will have a lot of belief in God. A mole on the left ankle represents devotion towards God. He talks less. At some point of life, the person faces legal problems.
A mole on the right ankle represents foresightedness. The native will be endowed with gift of gab. The person will have a lot of belief in God. A mole on the left ankle represents devotion towards God. He talks less. At some point of life, the person faces legal problems.
Mole on right groin is indicative of the fact that you will be a prosperous person but will be suffering from ill health, whereas that on the left groin indicates infirmity without mush prosperity.
Mole on right groin is indicative of the fact that you will be a prosperous person but will be suffering from ill health, whereas that on the left groin indicates infirmity without mush prosperity.
Mole on genitals lead to sexual addiction,
Moles any where on the genitals represent excessive desire for sex. Such persons generally will have a paramour.
Mole on genitals lead to sexual addiction,
Moles any where on the genitals represent excessive desire for sex. Such persons generally will have a paramour.
The moles on the top (crown) of the head are visible only if the head is shaven. If a mole is found on the right side of the head, the person will excel in politics.
If the mole is in red or green color, then he will become minister. He can also be a president leading a society or business organization. He will have social status and success in every walk of life.If the mole is at the left side of the head, then the native will not have enough money. Generally, he will not marry and spends his life in roaming. He will lead a spiritual life and gives spiritual discourses. There would be an interest in literature also. Moles at the back side of the head represent weakness of ladies. Such a person will be attached to his wife. He earns more money but he will not have a good name in the society.
The moles on the top (crown) of the head are visible only if the head is shaven. If a mole is found on the right side of the head, the person will excel in politics.
If the mole is in red or green color, then he will become minister. He can also be a president leading a society or business organization. He will have social status and success in every walk of life.If the mole is at the left side of the head, then the native will not have enough money. Generally, he will not marry and spends his life in roaming. He will lead a spiritual life and gives spiritual discourses. There would be an interest in literature also. Moles at the back side of the head represent weakness of ladies. Such a person will be attached to his wife. He earns more money but he will not have a good name in the society.
People who have a mole on forehead will be prosperous and well settled in life.
If the forehead is wide and there is a mole on the right side of the forehead, then it denotes wealth. The native becomes wealthy and receives good name and fame in the society. He will help others and will have devotion to God. If the mole on the forehead is located at left side and the forehead is narrow, then the person will be selfish and does not help any one. Others will not give him any respect.
People who have a mole on forehead will be prosperous and well settled in life.
If the forehead is wide and there is a mole on the right side of the forehead, then it denotes wealth. The native becomes wealthy and receives good name and fame in the society. He will help others and will have devotion to God. If the mole on the forehead is located at left side and the forehead is narrow, then the person will be selfish and does not help any one. Others will not give him any respect.
If the mole is on the right side temple, it denotes early marriage and beautiful wife. There is a possibility of sudden and unexpected arrival of money. If the mole is at the left temple, it also denotes sudden marriage and sudden wealth. There will be losses in the business. People do not like them for any reason.
If the mole is on the right side temple, it denotes early marriage and beautiful wife. There is a possibility of sudden and unexpected arrival of money. If the mole is at the left temple, it also denotes sudden marriage and sudden wealth. There will be losses in the business. People do not like them for any reason.
Those people who have a mole on hand are talented and make a success of their lives.
Those people who have a mole on hand are talented and make a success of their lives.
Moles on any part of the inner palm are not good. They represent various obstacles.
Moles on any part of the inner palm are not good. They represent various obstacles.
People who possess a mole on their heel make enemies easily and are prone to losing friends.
People who possess a mole on their heel make enemies easily and are prone to losing friends.
A mole on any part of the hip except the buttocks signifies that these people are contented, resilient and spirited.
A mole on any part of the hip except the buttocks signifies that these people are contented, resilient and spirited.
People with a mole on lips always aspire to get ahead in life.A mole on the upper lip represents a person who does good to every one. There will be weakness of ladies and luxurious items. A mole on the lower lip represents a person who loves good food. He will have interest in acting and theatre arts. A mole on the inner side of the upper lip represents a person skilled in mantras and mystic forces. A mole on the inner side of the lower lip represents a person who becomes a drunkard and losses money on speculation.
People with a mole on lips always aspire to get ahead in life.A mole on the upper lip represents a person who does good to every one. There will be weakness of ladies and luxurious items. A mole on the lower lip represents a person who loves good food. He will have interest in acting and theatre arts. A mole on the inner side of the upper lip represents a person skilled in mantras and mystic forces. A mole on the inner side of the lower lip represents a person who becomes a drunkard and losses money on speculation.
A mole on the right side of the stomach indicates good earnings and weakness of ladies. A mole on the left side of the stomach represents a jealous person who likes to earn easy money. He will possess some agriculture lands. A mole nearer to navel cavity represents luxurious life. Such a person is loud-mouthed.
A mole on the right side of the stomach indicates good earnings and weakness of ladies. A mole on the left side of the stomach represents a jealous person who likes to earn easy money. He will possess some agriculture lands. A mole nearer to navel cavity represents luxurious life. Such a person is loud-mouthed.
A man who has a mole on navel will be lucky in life and a woman who has the same desires children.
A man who has a mole on navel will be lucky in life and a woman who has the same desires children.
If the mole is on the front of the neck, it signifies unexpected good fortune. If it is on either side of the neck, it indicates an unreasonable temperament. A mole on the back of the neck indicates a person's desire to lead a simple life. A mole on the back side of the neck represents angry and aggressive person. Generally such a person involves into anti-social activities. A mole on the front side of the neck represents an artistic person with sweet voice. His life will settle well after his marriage.
If the mole is on the front of the neck, it signifies unexpected good fortune. If it is on either side of the neck, it indicates an unreasonable temperament. A mole on the back of the neck indicates a person's desire to lead a simple life. A mole on the back side of the neck represents angry and aggressive person. Generally such a person involves into anti-social activities. A mole on the front side of the neck represents an artistic person with sweet voice. His life will settle well after his marriage.
If a man has a mole on nipple, it indicates a fickle nature. If a woman has a mole on nipple, it indicates that she is striving for social status.
If a man has a mole on nipple, it indicates a fickle nature. If a woman has a mole on nipple, it indicates that she is striving for social status.
A mole on nose belongs to a person who will be a sincere friend and a hard-working individual.
A mole on nose belongs to a person who will be a sincere friend and a hard-working individual.
A mole on right shoulder indicates a sensible, industrious individual. Moles on right shoulder represent brave and courageous person who will not sleep until finishing any project. Moles on the left shoulder represent a person who involves into quarrels with others.
A mole on right shoulder indicates a sensible, industrious individual. Moles on right shoulder represent brave and courageous person who will not sleep until finishing any project. Moles on the left shoulder represent a person who involves into quarrels with others.
A mole on wrist indicates that the person is frugal, ingenious and dependable.
If you have a mole on right knee, it implies that you are a friendly person. A mole on left knee signifies that these people lead an extravagant lifestyle.
If you have a mole on right knee, it implies that you are a friendly person. A mole on left knee signifies that these people lead an extravagant lifestyle.
Chest : You will
suffer from stress related problem and have no peace of mind.Some will struggle
in life.A mole on the right side of the chest indicates more female progeny.
Financial problems trouble him. But he receives due respect from others. A mole
on the left side of the chest represents a person who is clever and who does
not maintain good relation with his relations and friends. Financial problems
are common for him. A mole exactly in the middle of the chest represents heavy
financial problems. Such person involves into heavy debts. But he will have
devotion to God.
a prominent mole on your penis, indicates sexcapades with several women.
a prominent mole on your penis, indicates sexcapades with several women.
Moles on the right thigh represent valor. The person will have an opportunity to go abroad. He will be profited from a lady, either from his wife or from other woman. Moles on the left thigh make the person skilled in some art. He becomes lazy and will have fewer friends.
Moles on the right thigh represent valor. The person will have an opportunity to go abroad. He will be profited from a lady, either from his wife or from other woman. Moles on the left thigh make the person skilled in some art. He becomes lazy and will have fewer friends.
A mole on the middle of the tongue indicates obstacles in the education. The native may not be able to talk fluently and there will be health problems. A mole on the tip (outer edge) of the tongue represents a person who can convince others with his speech. He is intelligent and diplomatic. He loves good food and his children will have good future.
A mole on the middle of the tongue indicates obstacles in the education. The native may not be able to talk fluently and there will be health problems. A mole on the tip (outer edge) of the tongue represents a person who can convince others with his speech. He is intelligent and diplomatic. He loves good food and his children will have good future.
Ribs: A mole on
the right ribs represents a person with a lot of inner fear. He lies easily. A
mole on the left ribs represents a person whose earning will be average.
Moles are the
spots which are formed due to extra pigment on skin or due to some other
reasons. They are found in different part of body. Some are dark in color some
are lighter may be called as Dark Brown, some are brown and some are light
brown. The fifth category which is much rare and always gives impact against
all kind of malefic yoga in horoscope, are of White very tiny moles which are
usually formed prior to birth. Most of moles are formed within 4 year of birth
of a person. Some moles are temporary and some moles are formed when a person
use to get good impact of his or her parents stars. Usually moles on hand or
palm or below to feet area are inherited one and they usually formed at the age
of 18 to 24 year of age, when a person get freedom from the Nakshatrafal. We
have already told you about Nakshatra in our other web page, and during this
age his or her planetary Maha Dasa gets control on him. According to some
astrologer these are formed according to transit of Rahu and Ketu, but we have
seen that placement of Rahu and Ketu in birth chart indicates the spot on body
of a person, mole are different from it. In palmistry and other lines moles are
the turning point of reading and it impacts on a person more then other spots.
Even though many contradictory views are there in this regard and a big book
can be written We are giving some text related to moles, which we have found
much near to accurate and most of time we also see this in case of correction
of birth time. Mole or marks on palm and feet, is a separate issue and is much
different from mark on other part of body.
If a mole, spot
or circle type figure formed by hair on the left side of a lady or right side
of a man are always identified as.
If there is mole
on the breasts of a lady, she must be very fortunate, in case of male they are
holder of very tiny heart and always fearing from many things which are not
even present in their life.
A lady, who has
a red mark like a mole etc., on her right breast, she get blessings from
creator and become mother of large family. She also get a lot of enjoyments and
comforts in life. In case of male, it makes him coward and her potential of
producing children remains in doubt.
If any lady
having a red color mole, on her left breast, she use to blessed with nice but
only one son.
If any lady, who
is having a mole on her right breast, she use to get may children and most of
them are girls.
If any lady or
gent is having red color mole or mark on the fore head then that person use to
gain or become a rular of a kingdom.
If any gents is
having dark marks on head, above to forehead then he too becomes a king. But if
the mark is on the left side of head, then he becomes the reason of a very big
fall or breaking of a nation, and along with his stars the empire also get
vanished. But if the mark is on the right side then he use to become the reason
of making or creating a big union and becomes a legend in his own life time.
The person use
to enjoy a lot of sweetish items and gets a lot of beauties in life if he is
having red color mark on the right cheeks. Same us said for a lady if she is
having mark in left cheek. According to Sage Parashar and Varah Mihir, such
impact is having more effect on men then to women.
The lady is
having a red mark on her nose she becomes or enjoys becomes companion of a king
or high dignitary. But if the mark is darker then light red then it indicates
many adulteresses in life.
All the marks
below the navel are auspicious for both men and women.
If there is moles
etc., on the ears, cheeks or neck of a man then he get blessed with male issue
first and he also enjoys good fortune and happiness.
The man who has
moles or marks in the front part of let or hand, where he can see it easily
then such mark are not known as auspicious and they suffer much setbacks in
If a lady is
having has the sign of table fork or W or triangle on her forehead then due to
her luck her husband gains much and she enjoys the comfort as a queen.
Such a mark is
placed on the forehead of a man, it ensures a ruling position to him.
A right turned
circular hair formation on heart, navel, hands, right part of the back and in
the portion between sex organ and navel, are always recognized as auspicious by
the Sage. But Left turned formation is inauspicious for both male and female.
If such hair
circle is forming on the waist and private parts it is not recognized as
auspicious and such person are not known as domestic one.
If such a
formation is occurring on the stomach, the person concerned will lose his or
her better half within few year of marriage or his or her better half will get
some chronic illness and will become useless.
If such circular
formation either clockwise or anti-clockwise at the center of the back, then
such lady become addicted to adulteress, but in case of male it makes him
domestic person after marriage.
It is known as
inauspicious if such circular motion, is on the neck, center of the head. If it
is on the right side of head it brings luck to parents.
If a man with
short life line in hand, get married with a lady having auspicious signs or
marks on body, then he gets get his longevity prolonged.
People like this are unreliable, and with them one must
ensure that all facts are available before one enters any sort of
negotiation for any enterprise.
A mole under the left arm is indicative of great struggle
early in life, which is, however, well rewarded. Wealth makes later
years equally pleasurable. A mole under the right arm shows that one needs to
be alert and cautious in matters of security.
A mole on either cheek indicates a serious and studious
person who has no interest in material pleasures.
A mole on either side of the chin is indicative of people
who are affectionate and caring. These people adapt easily to any situation.
They love traveling and respect the law of the land. They are also dedicated
and conscientious workers and willingly accept responsibilities.
People who are born with a mole on their ear are
generally considered lucky.
People who have moles on their elbow love to travel. They
are adventurous and spirited.
Moles on the arms indicate that the person is polite,
diligent and will lead a happy married life. If mole is near the elbow, the man
will need to struggle in life, and might also become a young widower. If the
woman has the same characteristics, however, her problems relate to her
If the mole is located on the outer corner of the eye,
this indicates that the person is honest, reliable and forthright.
If a mole is located on the right eyebrow, it signifies
that these people will have a highly active life and will be successful in all ventures.
People who have a mole on any finger turn out to be
dishonest and tend to grossly exaggerate.
People with a mole on their foot are easy going and laid
back. They need to exercise to stay healthy.
People who have a mole on their forehead will be
prosperous and well settled in life.
Those people who have a mole on their hand are talented
and make a success of their lives.
People who possess a mole on their heel make enemies
easily and are prone to losing friends.
If you have a mole on your right knee, it implies that
you are a friendly person. A mole on the left knee signifies that these people
lead an extravagant lifestyle.
People with a mole on their lips always aspire to get ahead
in life & are sexy.
If the mole is on the front of the neck, it signifies
unexpected good fortune. If it is on either side of the neck, it indicates an
unreasonable temperament. A mole on the back of the neck indicates a person's
desire to lead a simple life.
A mole on the nose belongs to a person who will be a
sincere friend and a hard-working individual.
A mole on the right shoulder indicates a sensible,
industrious individual.
A mole on the wrist indicates that the person is frugal,
ingenious and dependable.

- This mole is on the top of the center. This
type of mole of the person's brain develops at a young age.
- This mole can also be on the line of nose
between two eyes. This indicates that the body has had disease germs.
- This mole indicates that the disease germs
are growing. By time if it is not checked, then the person will suffer
from the disease at the age of 40-41.
- If mole is located on the tip of the nose it
shows that at the age of 48 the person may have to face financial losses.
- This mole finds on Upper lip with the tip of
the nose in the ditch. This indicates two things.
A.Water accident may expect.
B. Female person around 50-51 years of age in the life of an associate or by senior officers may be causing the problem.
- This mole is on the right side of the upper
lip and lower lip is on the left side. This type of person gets to
eat delicious food.
- This Mole is in the upper part of the lower
lip right under the chin - can be left on both sides. This type of person
has the ability to make quick decision.
- This mole is at the center of the upper part
of the chin. This type of mole person who takes serious thinking at a
young age.
- The mole can be in two places in the central
part of the chin. This type of mole persons is harsh and aggressive
- The mole can be right or left at the very
bottom of the chin. This type of mole persons lives happy life alone in
old age.
- The mole can be on the tip of the chin mole
right in the heart - are left on both sides. These types of mole persons
are lucky. They become successful with small hard work.
- The mole can be right in the middle of the
forehead - are left on the edges. These types of mole persons are lucky.
They become successful with small hard work.
- The mole can be both external ears, eyebrows;
ears are in line with the upper tip. These types of mole persons have
depressed nature. Despite having achieved success in their life they are
all sad.
- The mole can be in any part on two eyebrows.
It is rich person.
- These are the mole under the eyes. Female
mole on the left brow than she lives more than her husband. She spends
widow life in old age.
- These are in line with Copal's ashes near the
ear. If moles are on both sides then a person is a muscular person. If it
is only one side then a person is failure.
- The mole on the upper ends of the outer
circle of the ears is a bit lower. Some of the common sense wisdom of
such a person grows larger than usual.
- The mole ears are in the middle of the length
of the outer circle.This type of mole persons faces more difficulty in
their life.
- The mole on the back side of the ear is the
outer circle. If it is in the upper part of the ear, parents are
estranged from, if it is in the middle part a person gets proper fruits
of his work, if it is down side then there is loss of money.
- It is in the middle of the cheek mole. If a
mole on the cheek then person dies from a remote location rather than his
native land. If the mole on both cheeked a person remains happy in old
- It is in the heart of rounding the top of the
skull. It is considered the best mole. It is so good for a person that
poor parents being wealth but also the nonpareil - becomes the owner of
the property.
So, now you are aware of your
fortune from your mole on your face. if you have any query or feedback, do let
us know in below comment section. Thank you! :)
Reason why and how mole occur on body
ReplyDeleteAs per the Mayo Clinic, researchers don’t comprehend reason mole occur on body. In any case, it’s normal for grown-ups to have from 10 to 40 moles on their bodies, says the Cleveland Clinic.
Moles On Indian Female
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