Wednesday, 7 May 2014

GATE Preparation: Tips to make notes


There are students who prepare at home with the number of book options available in the market today. Then there are few aspirants who opt for correspondence coaching courses. A coaching material cannot be assessed until one goes through the same word by word. Hence GATE aspirants can go by some tips of their seniors.
Those who are getting regular classroom coaching need to check whether the institute suits their requirement or not by considering some of the following parameters:
Distinct Study Material- Now-a-days all the coaching institutes offer study material for assistance in studies. But if this material simply copy paste or re-write of materials taken from other books then these hold minimal importance. In comparison to all this, there are several standard books on each subject by good authors which can make your study enjoyable as well as interesting.
Compilation of quality books- While studying theory, conceptualization and building application capabilities, and one needs good collection of books, which can really put our brain on exercise. Ensure that your coaching institute has a collection of good and informative books.
Flexibility- There are aspirants who have slow or fast grasping power than the average. In such cases, it is better to ascertain the model that suits your needs and provide enough guidance to you at the same time.
Tests and Evaluation Model- Ensure and track your progress through a set of tests and evaluation as this is the most crucial part of the preparation. This is the main area where the students fail due to lack of essential test and evaluation material.

Make notes short and concise
·         Maintain formulas, short-cuts and tips/tricks in notes
·         Every field of study has its own vocabulary, so identify words and terms used to represent specific concepts. Maintain them in your notes.
·          Sometimes objective questions can be used to test your ability to distinguish concepts, ideas, theories, events, facts from each other. Construct diagrams, charts, tables or lists to summarize relationships.

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